The Warrior's Way

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Un film di Sngmoo Lee. Con Geoffrey Rush, Ryan Richards, Carl Bland, Tony Wyeth, Chontelle Melgren, Analin Rudd, Andy Conlan, Jessica Cummings, Ashley Jones (II), Nic Sampson.
Azione, - Corea del sud, Nuova Zelanda 2010.

Jang Dong-Gun stars in Sngmoo Lee's martial arts/western mash-up.

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

A master swordsman leaves his homeland of warring clans for the Wild West in the bloody wuxia/shoot-em-up hybrid "The Warrior's Way." But South Korean filmmaker Sngmoo Lee's debut feature is less a genre-spanning romp than a tiresome lab experiment in computer-generated tropes and green-screen oppressiveness. The human part involves quietly dashing Korean star Jang Dong-Gun as the stoic, blade-wielding nomad Yang, who brings his waylaid enemies' lone survivor, a baby girl he can't bring himself to kill, to an American frontier outpost made up mostly of circus workers led by a welcoming ringmaster named Eightball (the always appealing Tony Cox). [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (2386 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 4 dicembre 2010

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