Observe and Report

Un film di Jody Hill. Con Seth Rogen, Anna Faris, Michael Peña, Celia Weston, Collette Wolfe.
Commedia, durata 106 min. - USA 2009. - Warner Bros Italia

Seth Rogen is in an unlikable place as he walks on the dark side in this blackly comic film filled with mall cop ineptitude

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

Seth Rogen usually seems like a teddy bear -- a gangling softy with the slow-rolling walk of a big guy and a wide goofy grin, his rumbling "hey, hey, hey" of a laugh littering the bars, backrooms and bedrooms of "Knocked Up," "Superbad" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" just to name a few. If that's the Seth you are looking for in "Observe and Report," here's a news flash: Rogen doesn't live here anymore.
This black-as-a-starless-night comedy about an off-his-meds bipolar, delusions-of-grandeur mall cop (no sweet, bumbling Kevin James anywhere in sight) with a hot "case" on his hands is like the film version of a stun gun -- so, like the Boy Scouts say (and by the way, there's no way most of them will be allowed into this hard-R movie): Be prepared. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (5177 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 aprile 2009

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Manohla Dargis
Betsy Sharkey
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Peter Travers
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