The Secrets

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Un film di Avi Nesher. Con Fanny Ardant, Ania Bukstein, Michal Shtamler, Adir Miller, Guri Alfi.
Titolo originale Sodot, Ha-. Drammatico, durata 120 min. - Francia, Israele 2007.

A young Israeli woman struggles with ambition and tradition

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

In "The Secrets," filmmaker Avi Nesher takes us into the emotional heart of young Israeli women struggling to mesh their emerging identities with an ultra-orthodox Jewish world where the glass ceiling tops out at marriage and children.
For some, it is an easy transition to wife and mother. For others, like Naomi (Ania Bukstein), a brilliant mind who would rather spend her time in study with her rabbi father, it is a struggle. The film, which the Israeli director co-wrote with feminist playwright Hadar Galron, uses the tension between tradition and ambition as the staging ground for an intellectual assault on restrictions imposed on women by orthodox interpretations of religious law. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (2943 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 13 marzo 2009

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Betsy Sharkey
Stephen Holden
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