Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights - Hollywood to the Heartland


Sharpshooters of Comedy Hit the Road (Duck!)

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

The extravagantly titled “Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days and 30 Nights — Hollywood to the Heartland” imagines itself a contemporary equivalent of rootin’- tootin’ traveling entertainments like Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. That’s a tall comparison to draw.
Nothing, not even Cirque du Soleil’s high-tech spectacles, could live up to the reputation of William Cody’s 19th-century touring circus, which involved as many as 1,200 performers and living legends like Sitting Bull and Annie Oakley. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3824 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 8 Febbraio 2008

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