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Un film di David Gordon Green. Con Seth Rogen, James Franco, Danny McBride, Kevin Corrigan, Craig Robinson.
Titolo originale Pineapple Express. Commedia, durata 111 min. - USA 2008. - Sony Pictures Italia uscita venerdì 28 novembre 2008. - VM 14 - MYMONETRO Strafumati * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,83 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

Add about seven years to the ages of the kids in Superbad, toss in bullets, bongs and assassination squads, and you get some idea of the hot box of crazy that is Pineapple Express, a buddy movie stoned on its own shitfaced silliness. You'll go limp from laughing as process server Dale Denton (Seth Rogen) buys the wacky weed of the title from pot dealer Saul Silver (James Franco). "Smell it, smellll it," raves Saul, his eyes glazed with mellow joy. "It's like God's vagina." The plot kicks in when Dale eyeballs drug lord Ted Jones (Gary Cole, slime personified) and crooked cop Carol (Rosie Perez, totally butch) executing an Asian rival. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (4669 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 7 agosto 2008

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Peter Travers
Golden Globes (1)

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