10.000 AC

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Un film di Roland Emmerich. Con Camilla Belle, Steven Strait, Cliff Curtis, Joel Virgel, Ben Badra.
Titolo originale 10,000 BC. Avventura, durata 109 min. - USA, Nuova Zelanda 2008. - Warner Bros Italia uscita venerdì 14 marzo 2008. MYMONETRO 10.000 AC * 1/2 - - - valutazione media: 1,55 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

A wild & woolly 'BC' hasn't only lifted often from prehistoric flicks, it's lifted well

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

As far as writer-director Roland Emmerich is concerned, the Ice Age is a state of mind. Refusing to be tied down by either sense or sensibility, his "10,000 BC" is as crazy as it wants to be, plundering the past and other movies with that peculiar Hollywood combination of the earnest and the preposterous that can result in the guiltiest of guilty pleasures.
Outrageous and outlandish, Emmerich's "10,000 BC" is easy to mock, but it is so cheerfully shameless and terminally silly -- who knew that woolly mammoths were used to build the pyramids? -- that you have to admire its effrontery and accept its creator, the man behind "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow," as a certified crackpot visionary. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (4123 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 7 marzo 2008

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