Cast 1992 - La rivolta di Los Angeles

Produzione: USA
Anno produzione: 2017
Durata: 114 minuti
Consigliato assolutamente no!
Indice di gradimento medio del film tra pubblico, critica e dizionari + rapporto incassi/sale (n.d.)
T.J. Martin
T.J. Martin
Henry Alfaro
Henry Alfaro
Se stesso - KABC Reporter (archive footage)
Danny Bakewell
Danny Bakewell
Se stesso - Civl Rights Activist (archive footage)
 John D. Barnett
John D. Barnett
Se stesso - Attorney for Theodore Briseno (archive footage) (as John Barnett)
Bart Bartholomew
Bart Bartholomew
Se stesso (archive footage)
Michael Bostic
Michael Bostic
Se stesso - LAPD Commander (archive footage)
Tom Bradley
Tom Bradley
Se stesso - Los Angeles Mayor (archive footage)
Theodore Briseno
Theodore Briseno
Se stesso - Defendant (archive footage) (as Officer Theodore Briseno)
Tom Brokaw
Tom Brokaw
Se stesso (archive footage)
George Bush
George Bush
Se stesso (archive footage)
Edward Chang
Edward Chang
Se stesso - Black-Korean Alliance (archive footage)
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Se stesso - Democratic Presidential Candidate (archive footage) (as Gov. Bill Clinton)
Reginald Denny (II)
Reginald Denny (II)
Se stesso (archive footage)
 Soon Ja Du
Soon Ja Du
Se stesso (archive footage)
John Ferraro
John Ferraro
Se stesso - Council President District 4 (archive footage)
Daryl Gates
Daryl Gates
Se stesso - LAPD Chief (archive footage)
Tim Goldman
Tim Goldman
Se stesso (archive footage)
Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson
Se stesso (archive footage)
David Joo
David Joo
Se stesso (archive footage)
Joyce Karlin
Joyce Karlin
Se stesso - Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge (archive footage)
Rodney King
Rodney King
Se stesso (archive footage)
Stacey Koon
Stacey Koon
Se stesso - Defendant (archive footage) (as Sergeant Stacey Koon)
Ted Koppel
Ted Koppel
Se stesso (archive footage)
Charles Manson
Charles Manson
Se stesso (archive footage)
Antoine Miller
Antoine Miller
Se stesso (archive footage)
Darryl Mounger
Darryl Mounger
Se stesso - Attorney for Stacey Koon (archive footage)
Charles Muhammad
Charles Muhammad
Se stesso - Nation of Islam (archive footage)
Tom Newsome
Tom Newsome
Se stesso - Civil Rigts Attorney (archive footage)
Edward James Olmos
Edward James Olmos
Se stesso (archive footage)
W.H. Parker
W.H. Parker
Se stesso - LAPD Chief (archive footage) (as William Parker)
Laurence Powell
Laurence Powell
HmSe stesso - Defendant (archive footage) (as Officer Laurence Powell)
 Eric 'Rico' Reed
Eric 'Rico' Reed
Se stesso - KJLH Radio (archive footage)
Ramona Ripston
Ramona Ripston
Se stesso - ACLU (archive footage)
John Shabazz
John Shabazz
Se stesso - Minister (archive footage)
Sirhan Sirhan
Sirhan Sirhan
Se stesso (archive footage)
Rita Walters
Rita Walters
Se stesso - City Councilmember (archive footage)
Maxine Waters
Maxine Waters
Se stesso - US Congresswoman (archive footage)
 Henry Keith Watson
Henry Keith Watson
Se stesso (archive footage)
Terry White
Terry White
Se stesso - Prosecutor (archive footage)
 Damian 'Football' Williams
Damian 'Football' Williams
Se stesso (archive footage)
Gary Williams
Gary Williams
Se stesso (archive footage)
Pete Wilson
Pete Wilson
Se stesso - Governor of California (archive footage)
Timothy Wind
Timothy Wind
Se stesso - Defendant (archive footage) (as Officer Timothy Wind)
Zev Yaroslavsky
Zev Yaroslavsky
Se stesso - Ciy Councilmember (archive footage)
Matt Renner
Matt Renner
Simon Chinn
Simon Chinn
Meegan Neeb
Meegan Neeb
Ben Piner
Ben Piner
Jonathan Chinn
Jonathan Chinn
Stuart Schwartz
Stuart Schwartz
Sarah Gibson
Sarah Gibson
Tim Pastore
Tim Pastore
Joseph Bachor
Joseph Bachor
Danny Bensi
Danny Bensi
1992 - La rivolta di Los Angeles | Indice

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