The Pleasure of Being Robbed

Un film di Josh Safdie. Con Eleonore Hendricks, Josh Safdie, Wayne Chin Commedia, durata 71 min. - USA 2008.

Stealing Glances

di Laura Kern The New York Times

The initial glimmer of hope “The Pleasure of Being Robbed” inspires with regard to the indie offshoot genre of mumblecore (if that term is still taken seriously by anyone) quickly dies. Instead the film, written and directed by the 24-year-old Joshua Safdie, who has apparently gorged himself on Truffaut and the entire French New Wave, exposes itself as a technically deficient bore with little on its agenda. [...]

di Laura Kern, articolo completo (1344 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 3 Ottobre 2008

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Jean-Luc Douin
Laura Kern
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