A Film with me in It

Un film di Ian Fitzgibbon. Con Dylan Moran, Mark Doherty, Keith Allen, Amy Huberman, Aisling O'Sullivan.
Thriller, durata 89 min. - Irlanda 2008.

Struggling Actor Tweaks Script, Buddly and Bodies

di Andy Webster The New York Times

The Irish narrative tradition of the bleakly hilarious — the plays of Samuel Beckett and Martin McDonagh, Neil Jordan’s brilliant screen adaptation of Patrick McCabe’s “Butcher Boy” — is honored with gusto in Ian FitzGibbon’s “Film With Me in It,” a slender, supple comedy graced with appealing performers and laced with agreeable poison.
Mark (Mark Doherty, hangdog and hapless) is a struggling Dublin actor who can’t make the rent and whose dilapidated apartment and live-in relationship with Sally (Amy Huberman, tart and luminous) are collapsing around him. [...]

di Andy Webster, articolo completo (1521 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 31 dicembre 2009

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