Juliet Naked - Tutta un'altra Musica

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Ethan Hawke stars in a new rom-com? Yep, and it's really sweet

di Michael O’Sullivan The Washington Post

At a time when every other movie, even the rom-coms, seems to contain political subtext - or, as in the case of "BlacKkKlansman," overtly political text - it's a relief to see a bagatelle come along like "Juliet, Naked." Described as a "98-minute diversion" by producers at a recent screening, the romantic comedy is just that: a sweet-tart confection that, like lemon sorbet, cleanses a palate gone sour from too many cinematic servings of the heavy stuff. Based on Nick Hornby's 2009 novel, "Juliet" stars Rose Byrne as Annie, the curator of a local history museum in a small English seaside town. [...]

di Michael O’Sullivan, articolo completo (3557 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 21 agosto 2018

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