

This road journey takes an odd turn

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

Perhaps the best thing one can say about the brothers-on-the-road indie "Tennessee" is that having one of the biggest music stars on the planet as the third lead doesn't upset director Aaron Woodley's visually arresting but overly self-conscious glum-fest.
In fact, Mariah Carey, as a Texas diner waitress who joins Carter (Adam Rothenberg) and his sick younger sib Ellis (Ethan Peck) on their return journey to the childhood home they escaped years ago, makes for a naturalistically sweet, tough and sexy bit of counterpunch casting to the beautiful male brooders at the center of screenwriter Russell Schaumburg's clichéd redemption yarn. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1378 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 dicembre 2008

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Robert Abele
Stephen Holden
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