To Die in Jerusalem

Un film di Hilla Medalia. Documentario, - Israele, USA 2007.

Grieving Mothers on 2 Sides of a Suicide Bombing

di Elizabeth Jensen The New York Times

The cover of Newsweek framed the story starkly: side-by-side pictures of Ayat al-Akhras, an 18-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber, and 17-year-old Rachel Levy, killed by the bomb that Ms. Akhras detonated on March 29, 2002, at a Jerusalem supermarket. The two looked as if they could have been sisters and should have been living the lives of carefree teenagers, instead of becoming tragic symbols of the intractable Middle East conflict.
HBO’s documentary president, Sheila Nevins, haunted by the cover, dispatched two established American producers — she declined to name them in an interview — to begin work on a film. [...]

di Elizabeth Jensen, articolo completo (6080 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 24 Ottobre 2007

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