Mister Lonely

Un film di Harmony Korine. Con Samantha Morton, Diego Luna, Werner Herzog Commedia, - Gran Bretagna, Francia 2007.

Marilyn Monroe Returns Home to Her Husband, Charlie Chaplin

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

It’s with some reluctance that I describe “Mister Lonely,” the new film by Harmony Korine, as dreamlike. Dreams are often vague, chaotic and dull, and other people’s dreams are notoriously uninteresting. “Mister Lonely” is enigmatic, its moods and meanings sometimes elusive in the way that dreams can be, but nearly every frame is an image of arresting clarity and beauty. And even when it strays beyond the border of sense, you can’t help accepting its logic and its truth, much as you do when your unconscious spools pictures in your sleep. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3783 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 2 maggio 2008

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