We Are Together

Un film di Paul Taylor. Con Lorraine Bracco, Alicia Keys, Mbali Documentario, durata 83 min. - Gran Bretagna, Sudafrica 2006.

The Gifts That Song Can Bring

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

So there you are, going about your life, worried about your job, or the price of gas, or whether you can afford next month’s health insurance premium. And then for one reason or another you come across “We Are Together,” a documentary about the bright-eyed, golden-voiced children who live at Agape, an orphanage in South Africa.
You look at their smiles, witness their optimism and marvel at the harmony of their songs, which they rehearse for a coming trip to England. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (1500 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 4 luglio 2008

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