Midsommar - Il villaggio dei dannati

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'Midsommar' is highfalutin horror: fussy, deeply unsettling - and completely bonkers

di Ann Hornaday The Washington Post

At long last, "Midsommar" asks the cinematic question we've all been waiting for: How, precisely, does one say "completely bonkers" in Swedish? Fans of highfalutin horror have been awaiting "Midsommar" with interest since last year, when the writer-director Ari Aster made a stunning - if ultimately uneven - debut with the creepy dysfunctional domestic drama "Hereditary." Reportedly, he had formed the idea for "Midsommar" even before the first film, which he considered an allegory about family trauma. [...]

di Ann Hornaday, articolo completo (4073 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 2 luglio 2019

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