The Strangers

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Un film di Bryan Bertino. Con Liv Tyler, Scott Speedman, Gemma Ward, Kip Weeks, Laura Margolis.
Thriller, durata 85 min. - USA 2008. - Universal Pictures uscita venerdì 2 gennaio 2009. MYMONETRO The Strangers * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,89 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

A Slow Crescendo of Intimidation

di Jeannette Catsoulis The New York Times

From Sam Peckinpah’s “Straw Dogs” to Michael Haneke’s “Funny Games,” the home-invasion thriller has proved adept at eliciting the fear and dislocation that accompany the violation of our most sacred space.
“The Strangers” is no exception, raising the stakes with a bloody preview of the ending before flashing back to the horrors that precede it. But this is no splatter movie: spare, suspenseful and brilliantly invested in silence, Bryan Bertino’s debut feature unfolds in a slow crescendo of intimidation as a young couple (Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman, both terrific) arrive at a country getaway after a friend’s wedding. [...]

di Jeannette Catsoulis, articolo completo (1633 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 maggio 2008

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venerdì 2 gennaio 2009
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