The Foot Fist Way

Un film di Jody Hill. Con Danny McBride, Ben Best, Mary Jane Bostic Commedia, durata 85 min. - USA 2006.

The saga of small-town strip mall taekwondo instructor Fred Simmons is an oddball discovery

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

The saga of small-town strip mall taekwondo instructor Fred Simmons, "The Foot Fist Way" is the sort of nimble oddball discovery that one wishes would come along more often. The film's shoestring budget makes some of its rough edges and overall inconsistency forgivable, but it's all saved by actor Danny McBride, who has created such a distinctive character in Simmons, at once engaging and repulsive, that it's hard not to keep watching even while cringing. Directed by Jody Hill, and co-written by Hill, McBride and Ben Best, the film started playing festivals in 2006 until it found the patronage of big-time comedy kingpins Will Ferrell and Adam McKay. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (2872 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 maggio 2008

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Mark Olsen
Rassegna stampa
Peter Travers
Nathan Lee
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