Skate Kitchen

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Freewheeling fun on the streets

di Peter Bradshaw The Guardian

Crystal Moselle's intensely likable and sympathetic movie, with its seductively laid-back documentary realist style, is all about skateboarders in New York City. For me, it reclaims the skater genre from movies such as Larry Clark's The Smell of Us and perhaps Gus Van Sant's Paranoid Park, which tended to fetishise skaters, pornifying their perceived alienation and affectlessness - and of course their maleness. This is about a women's skater group calling themselves Skate Kitchen, whose stunts and general freewheeling and life-enjoying attitudes are publicised on Instagram. [...]

di Peter Bradshaw, articolo completo (1850 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 26 settembre 2018

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