Skate Kitchen

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Andrew Barker


The last time Crystal Moselle brought a film to Sundance, she won the 2015 festival's jury prize for her stranger-than-fiction documentary study of seven cinema-obsessed, shut-in Manhattan siblings, "The Wolfpack." Back in Park City with her first narrative feature, Moselle has uncovered yet another inimitable group of real-life New York youngsters, this one a posse of female skateboarders who haunt Lower East Side parks under the name Skate Kitchen. And though she's given each skater a character to play and a fictional arc to play out, Moselle seems just as eager to let these young women be themselves as she was with "The Wolfpack's" Angulo brothers. [...]

di Andrew Barker, articolo completo (4996 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 21 gennaio 2018

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