Skate Kitchen

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con il documentario affermando tutto il suo girl power

di Justin Chang The Los Angeles Times

A young person on a skateboard becomes a precious, fleeting image of liberation in Crystal Moselle's "Skate Kitchen" and Bing Liu's "Minding the Gap." Both these movies - one a drama, the other a documentary, each superbly shot and richly informed by the grit and agony of real life - premiered earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival, and now, by coincidence or design, they are arriving the same Friday on Los Angeles screens. A more rewarding double bill this weekend would be hard to imagine, provided you don't mind making the trek between the ArcLight Hollywood and Laemmle's Monica Film Center. [...]

di Justin Chang, articolo completo (4187 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 agosto 2018

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giovedì 18 luglio 2019
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