Hotel Artemis

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Sheri Linden

The Hollywood Reporter

With Hotel Artemis, writer-director Drew Pearce has devised a novel approach to one of moviedom's favorite pursuits: putting Los Angeles through the dystopian wringer. The civil unrest that grips the city in his near-future vision is suggested rather than explored head-on. Mostly it rages outside the confines of the title location, a once-grand downtown building that houses a covert private hospital for dues-paying criminals. Because those bullet wounds don't heal by themselves. The noir-tinged action unfolds over a particularly busy night for the Artemis, with a ragtag collection of upper-echelon miscreants checking in to receive the discreet but no-nonsense medical care of the Nurse, a hard-drinking, agoraphobic, working-class toughie bearing the contrived narrative weight of a mother's broken heart. [...]

di Sheri Linden, articolo completo (5555 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Hollywood Reporter 6 giugno 2018

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