Il segreto dei suoi occhi

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Un film di Juan José Campanella. Con Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago, Javier Godino, Guillermo Francella.
Titolo originale El Secreto de Sus Ojos. Drammatico, durata 129 min. - Argentina, Spagna 2009. - Lucky Red uscita venerdì 4 giugno 2010. MYMONETRO Il segreto dei suoi occhi * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,50 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

The unsolved murder of a young woman is the root of this haunting, beautifully calibrated Oscar winner from Argentina.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

There's something about a haunting mystery being solved by a haunted mind that's particularly seductive. That's just one of the many pleasures of "The Secret in Their Eyes," whose string of knots challenges and charms in a way that make its win of the foreign-language Oscar this year perfectly understandable. Argentine writer-director Juan José Campanella has given audiences a beautifully calibrated movie in the most traditional sense of the word — the ideal marriage of topic, talent and tone. It's anchored by the unsolved murder of a young wife that won't let former criminal investigator Ben Espósito (Ricardo Darín) rest easy even after 25 years. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (3917 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 aprile 2010

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