Il Primo dei Bugiardi


The truth is that Ricky Gervais' new comedy is too thin in character and plot to carry a feature-length film, not that it doesn't have its moments. There just aren't enough of them.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

What to say about British comedian Ricky Gervais' new work, "The Invention of Lying." Ah, yes . . . brilliant really, hmmm . . . sorry, lying. The film, which stars Gervais and was co-written and co-directed by Gervais with co-conspirator Matthew Robinson, does have its moments -- most of them courtesy of Gervais and his very specific brand of self-deprecating, always equivocating comedy -- just not nearly enough of them. And then there's the fact that apparently no one realized this was to be an actual movie rather than a 15-minute bit nestled within one of Gervais' routines, which are usually quite brilliant . [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4116 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 2 ottobre 2009

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