Il palloncino rosso

Un film di Albert Lamorisse. Con Pascal Lamorisse, Georges Sellier, Vladimir Popov (II), Paul Perey, René Marion.
Titolo originale Le ballon rouge. Fantastico, durata 35 min. - Francia 1956.

Two Short Fables That Revel in Freedom

di Terrence Rafferty The New York Times

ALBERT LAMORISSE’S “White Mane” (1953) and “The Red Balloon” (1956) are among the world’s most famous and most honored films for children. Both were prizewinners at Cannes, and “The Red Balloon,” which is 34 minutes long and contains about half a dozen lines of dialogue, improbably received an Oscar for its screenplay. But kids’ stuff they are not.
The stories are simple, fablelike; the heroes are boys; the subject in each case is the purity and power of a child’s imagination; and the tone of both films is that of open-mouthed wonder. [...]

di Terrence Rafferty, articolo completo (8264 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 11 Novembre 2007

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Terrence Rafferty
Premio Oscar (2)

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