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Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

How the hell can you take an SNL skit that runs 90 seconds and stretch it to a 90-minute feature? Sounds excruciating. But MacGruber breaks the jinx by putting the skit in the context of a 1980s action movie and creating its own brand of explosive lunacy.
Will Forte, who created the role of the flannel-wearing, mullet-haired soldier of fortune unjustly celebrated for defusing bombs with such products as dog shit, semen and anal lubricant, is back as MacGruber. On SNL, MacGruber dies in an explosion at the end of every segment, letting his racism, homophobia and staggering incompetence get the best of him at every turn. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (2287 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 20 maggio 2010

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Robert Abele
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Peter Travers
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