The Girl Next Door


A Neighbor’s-Eye View of Deep Depravity

di Neil Genzlinger The New York Times

If you’re going to make a film as repellent as “Jack Ketchum’s the Girl Next Door,” you had better make sure that your redeeming reasons for doing so are crystal clear. Gregory M. Wilson, the film’s director, either doesn’t have any such reasons or doesn’t know how to convey them, which means that he has made the kind of movie that makes you wish you could rinse your brain in bleach, to wash all traces of it from your memory.
“The Girl Next Door,” which opens today at Two Boots Pioneer Theater, is based on the Ketchum novel of the same title, which in turn was based on the notorious real murder of a teenage girl named Sylvia Likens in Indiana in 1965. [...]

di Neil Genzlinger, articolo completo (2357 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 3 ottobre 2007

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