Arctic Tale

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Un film di Adam Ravetch, Sarah Robertson. Documentario, durata 90 min. - USA 2007.

Cokking up a Fable on Life and Melting Ice

di Andrew C. Revkin The New York Times

THERE is something unnerving about watching a polar bear stalk across floating sea ice high in the Arctic and doing so from the frigid waters directly beneath the bear, the world's largest four-legged predator.
Overhead, through ice so thin that it is transparent, plate-size paws set down, one after the other, as the half-ton animal pursues its prey.
Gripping moments like this abound in "Arctic Tale," a new film exploring challenges facing polar bears and walruses, two familiar denizens of the icy, but warming, seas at the top of the world. [...]

di Andrew C. Revkin, articolo completo (9557 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 22 Luglio 2007

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