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A soulless descent into the seventh circle of tedium

di Peter Bradshaw The Guardian

Hellboy is reborn, stridently repurposed as an ongoing franchise property - minus the cigar for these health-conscious times, but also minus the wit and the exotic strangeness and the beauty-and-the-beast romance that Guillermo del Toro once gave him. De Toro served as writer-director of the two original live-action films based on the Mike Mignola graphic novel character - Hellboy (2004) and Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) - which starred Ron Perlman. Now it is directed by Neil Marshall, Andrew Cosby writes and David Harbour (from TV's Stranger Things) takes over the role of Hellboy - that tandoori-red creature with the sawn-off horns, born of a Nazi occult ceremony in 1944 but brought over to the forces of light by a top-secret organisation and recruited to battle the satanic armies of evil. [...]

di Peter Bradshaw, articolo completo (2443 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 10 aprile 2019

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