Countdown To Zero

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The documentary is both a thorough look at the many ways the world's 23,000 nuclear weapons endanger us and a desperate plea to cut that total to zero.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

"Countdown to Zero" opens with an image that terrifies us, though we can't necessarily say why. By the time this unsettling documentary is over, we know the reason and we are even more frightened. That first image is of enormous roiling clouds of the blackest black smoke, smoke that feels particularly menacing even before we realize it is the product of a nuclear bomb. "Countdown to Zero" is both a comprehensive look at the many ways we are all in terrible danger from the world's 23,000 nuclear weapons and an understandably desperate plea to cut that total to zero. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (4262 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 luglio 2010

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