The Young Victoria

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Un film di Jean-Marc Vallée. Con Emily Blunt, Dave A. Hewitt, Liam Scott, Tony Jeeves, Ruth Leah, Danny Dalton, Sophie Roberts, Johnnie Lyne-Pirkis, Michaela Brooks.
Drammatico, durata 100 min. - Gran Bretagna 2009.

With a transcendent Emily Blunt in the title role and Rupert Friend splendid as Prince Albert, director Jean-Marc Vallée has created a terrific period piece that retains a modern-day freshness.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

"The Young Victoria," starring Emily Blunt as the 18-year-old queen of England circa 1837, is such a rich pastiche of first love, teen empowerment, fabulous fashion and fate that you almost wish a few brooding vampires had been thrown in for good measure, since that's the crowd that should fall head over heels for this movie. Which isn't to suggest that "Young Victoria" is sophomoric. It is anything but. What filmmaker Jean-Marc Vallée has done in this delicious historical romance is capture that hot blush of pure emotion that comes before kisses, sex, heartbreak and the rest can dilute it. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (5105 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 18 dicembre 2009

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Rassegna stampa
Anthony Lane
Premio Oscar (4)
Golden Globes (1)
Critics Choice Award (3)

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