

In his feature debut, Adrián Biniez tells an unpredictable tale about the workings of the human heart.

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

In the title role of Adrián Biniez's quietly engaging "Gigante," Horacio Camandule's Jara is pretty gigantic: a nice-looking, massive guy whose solid build is marred by too much belly for even his large frame. He's a shy, 35-year-old security guard who works a night shift monitoring the surveillance cameras of a vast supermarket on the outskirts of Montevideo, Uruguay. Through one of his cameras, he spots Julia (Leonor Svarcas), a pretty young cleaning woman. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1768 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 1 gennaio 2010

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Stephen Holden
Kevin Thomas
Festival di Berlino (2)

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