Red Joan

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Judi Dench gives a typically subtle and deft performance as the OAP Soviet spy

di Geoffrey MacNab The Independent

Imagine that the little old lady pruning her roses in the next door garden is a KGB informer. That is the premise from which Red Joan starts. Joan Stanley (Judi Dench) is an OAP living in quiet retirement in English suburbia. She has pictures of her grandchildren on the mantlepiece but no portraits of Lenin or Hammer and Sickle ornaments. There is an obvious curiosity value in seeing Judi Dench, M in the James Bond movies, back on screen as a spy but Joan is nowhere near as formidable as the MI6 boss who used to give the orders to 007. [...]

di Geoffrey MacNab, articolo completo (4686 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Independent 19 aprile 2019

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