Red Joan

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Dennis Harvey


Trevor Nunn is not the first director to accrue both a glorious stage résumé and a paltry, pedestrian screen one. Still, given the talent involved, it's disappointing that "Red Joan" does so little to change that - his first theatrical feature since a decent "Twelfth Night" adaptation 22 years ago is a would-be sweeping epic that instead turns out tweedy, dreary, and unconvincing. Something was surely lost along the way as the real-life story of one Melita Norwood - a British civil servant of scant note until her pro-USSR espionage was revealed when she was an elderly retiree - turned into a 2014 novel by Jessica Rooney, then into this tepid film incarnation. [...]

di Dennis Harvey, articolo completo (4678 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 7 settembre 2018

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