Piovono polpette

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Un film di Phil Lord, Christopher Miller. Con Bill Hader, Anna Faris, James Caan, Neil Patrick Harris, Bruce Campbell.
Titolo originale Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Animazione, Ratings: Kids, durata 90 min. - USA 2009. - Sony Pictures Italia uscita mercoledì 23 dicembre 2009. MYMONETRO Piovono polpette * * * - - valutazione media: 3,23 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

When food falls from the sky, fun ensues.

di Glenn Whipp The Los Angeles Times

For the big musical montage number in the wildly enjoyable "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs," the filmmakers chose Lesley Gore's giddy "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows," but they could just as well have taken a page from "Oliver!" and gone with "Food, Glorious Food." Transferring the popular children's book to the big screen, first-time writer-directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller conjure up a veritable blizzard of ways of channeling chow, carrying it off with enough brio to send audiences into a food coma. [...]

di Glenn Whipp, articolo completo (2563 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 18 settembre 2009

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mercoledì 23 dicembre 2009
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