Julie & Julia

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A ‘French Chef’ Whose Appeal Doesn’t Translate

di Maïa de la Baume The New York Times

PARIS — Julia Child may have been America’s best-known “French chef,” but here in Paris few know her fabled cookbooks, let alone her name.
Posters for the movie “Julie & Julia” were plastered across the city before its release here on Wednesday. But the movie was being anticipated more for Meryl Streep’s performance as Ms. Child than for any particular interest in Ms. Child, the principal author of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking,” who died in 2004.
Ms. Child’s book — beloved by American cooks for almost 50 years and now a best-seller because of the film — has never been translated into French, said Anne Perrier, a manager at Galignani, an English-language bookshop here. [...]

di Maïa de la Baume, articolo completo (4403 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 17 Settembre 2009

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