The End of the Line

Un film di Rupert Murray. Documentario, durata 85 min. - Gran Bretagna 2009.

Consumption and Extinction

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

nd%20Extinction&st=cse Trendsetting restaurants like Nobu wouldn’t dream of offering snow leopard or white rhinoceros on their menus, notes the journalist and author Charles Clover, but they have no qualms serving bluefin tuna, a delicacy so overharvested that the species now faces destruction. The former environmental editor for The Daily Telegraph in London, Mr. Clover appears in “The End of the Line,” a documentary based on his book exposing the damages wrought to the sea by the usual suspects: industrialized food production, unchecked capitalism, soaring consumer demand. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (1609 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 19 giugno 2009

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