Smart People


A Disagreeable Academic, and a Tonic Named Sarah Jessica Parker

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

If you are in the mood for a movie about the rejuvenation of an aging, widowed college professor — and don’t pretend you aren’t — then this is a weekend of rare and unexpected abundance. By some miracle of film industry serendipity, two such movies are opening today in limited release. Even more bizarre: each is pretty good.
In “The Visitor”, Richard Jenkins plays an economist whose flagging joie de vivre is restored when he takes up drumming. “Smart People” is more or less the same deal, except that its protagonist, played by Dennis Quaid, is a specialist in Victorian literature, and his flagging joie de vivre is restored when he goes to bed with Sarah Jessica Parker. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (5236 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 11 aprile 2008

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