Good Dick


Touching, human performances by Marianna Palka and Jason Ritter turn an improbable premise into a sweet, grounded love story

di Carina Chocano The Los Angeles Times

Some people feel most at home burrowing in the depths of other people's pain, and Jason Ritter's unnamed character in Marianna Palka's "Good Dick" is clearly one of those people. A clerk in a video store, he develops a heroic crush on a particularly troubled customer -- a young woman with dirty hair who, every afternoon, wafts into his store on a black cloud of depression and rents a stack of cheesy '80s soft-core porn videos. Encouraged by her hostile unresponsiveness, the clerk steals her address from the store database and shows up at her anonymous Westside building one night after work. [...]

di Carina Chocano, articolo completo (4074 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 ottobre 2008

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Carina Chocano
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