

When Selling a Soul, Consider the Price

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

Christian Petzold’s enigmatic thriller “Yella” offers a surreal X-ray vision of cutthroat capitalism in 21st-century Germany. Yella Fichte (Nina Hoss), a sleek young businesswoman on the make, is an ardent student of that world. One of the first lessons she is taught is how to strike the “broker pose.” The technique, which her instructor says he learned from a John Grisham movie, requires that at the opportune moment during a business negotiation she lean over and whisper something in his ear.
That instruction begins not long after Yella relocates from her hometown, Wittenberge in the former East Germany, to Hanover in the former West Germany. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3523 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 maggio 2008

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