Una sola verità

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Un film di Rod Lurie. Con Vera Farmiga, Matt Dillon, Kristen Bough, Johann Benét, Kate Beckinsale, Angela Bassett.
Titolo originale Nothing But the Truth. Drammatico, - USA 2008.

A newspaper exposes a covert operative in the scrambled 'Nothing but the Truth'

di Sam Adams The Los Angeles Times

Rod Lurie's "Nothing but the Truth" isn't ripped from the headlines so much as it's pasted together like a ransom note, using scraps so small their origins are indiscernible. The obvious inspiration for the story of a newspaper reporter who is jailed for refusing to reveal her sources is the Valerie Plame affair, and for a while the details match up.
A terrorist attack spawns an overseas assault based on shaky evidence (check), an ambassador questions the administration's rationale (check) and his wife is revealed to be a covert CIA operative, touching off a furious investigation into the source of the leak (check). [...]

di Sam Adams, articolo completo (2975 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 19 dicembre 2008

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  1° | filippo catani
  2° | elgatoloco
  3° | ultravox
  4° | elgatoloco
Rassegna stampa
Emiliano Morreale
Critics Choice Award (2)

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