Cast Sugar Coated

Produzione: Canada
Anno produzione: 2015
Durata: 90 minuti
Consigliato assolutamente no!
Indice di gradimento medio del film tra pubblico, critica e dizionari + rapporto incassi/sale (n.d.)
Gary Taubes
Gary Taubes
Se stesso - author of 'The Case Against Sugar'
Robert Lustig
Robert Lustig
Se stesso - pediatric endocrinologist
Craig Wilcox
Craig Wilcox
Se stesso - PhD., The Okinawa Centenarian Study
Alexis Gomez
Alexis Gomez
Se stesso - Robert Lustig's former patient
Cristin Kearns
Cristin Kearns
Se stesso - dentist
Yoni Freedhoff
Yoni Freedhoff
Se stesso - assistant professor of family medicine, University of Ottawa
Jean-Marc Schwarz
Jean-Marc Schwarz
Se stesso - biochemist
John Yudkin
John Yudkin
Se stesso - British physiologist, author of 'Pure, White and Deadly: The Problem of Sugar' (archive footage)
Ancel Keys
Ancel Keys
Se stesso - American physiologist (archive footage)
Sami Inkinen
Sami Inkinen
Se stesso - triathlete
Merdith Loring
Merdith Loring
Se stesso - triathlete
 John L. Sievenpiper
John L. Sievenpiper
Se stesso - nutrition scientist, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto
Sheldon Reiser
Sheldon Reiser
Se stesso (archive footage)
Judith Hallfrisch
Judith Hallfrisch
Se stesso - nutrition scientist
Stanton A. Glantz
Stanton A. Glantz
Se stesso - professor, Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education
 Fredrick J. Stare
Fredrick J. Stare
Se stesso - nutritionist (archive footage)
 Arya M. Sharma
Arya M. Sharma
Se stesso - professor of medicine, Canadian Obesity Network
Kim Raine
Kim Raine
Se stesso - professor, University of Alberta
 Richard P. Ellis
Richard P. Ellis
Se stesso - vice president of communications, McDonald's Canada
 Laura A. Schmidt
Laura A. Schmidt
Se stesso - professor of health policy, University of California
Janice Dawe
Janice Dawe
Jan Rofekamp
Jan Rofekamp
Nathalie Bibeau
Nathalie Bibeau
Michèle Hozer
Michèle Hozer
Roxana Spicer
Roxana Spicer
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