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Un film di Michael Radford. Con Michael Caine, Demi Moore, Constantine Gregory, Nathaniel Parker, Lambert Wilson.
Titolo originale Flawless. Thriller, durata 108 min. - Gran Bretagna, Lussemburgo 2007.

Cut by a Diamond-Crusted Glass Ceiling

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

“Flawless” is a mildly diverting period heist movie in which an odd couple conspire to loot an evil London diamond company, for which they both work. In the story, set in 1960, before the term glass ceiling was coined, Demi Moore plays Laura Quinn, a grimly ambitious company executive of 40 whose career has stalled. Early in the movie she learns that the pompous, corrupt gargoyles who stole her ideas intend to fire her.
An Oxford-educated American with a British-American accent, Ms. Moore’s Laura is a forerunner of Meredith Johnson, the barracuda she played with such fearsome intensity in “Disclosure. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3407 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 28 Marzo 2008

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