Death Sentence

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Un film di James Wan. Con Kevin Bacon, Garrett Hedlund, Kelly Preston, John Goodman, Stuart Lafferty.
Thriller, durata 110 min. - USA 2007. MYMONETRO Death Sentence * * - - - valutazione media: 2,40 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Violence in the Name of Justice

di Matt Zoller Seitz The New York Times

In the latest flashy, pretentious exploitation movie from James Wan (“Saw” and “Dead Silence”), Kevin Bacon plays Nick Hume, an insurance adjuster who sees his oldest son die at the hands of a machete-wielding young punk during a street gang's robbery of a gas station.
Nick later kills the perpetrator, setting off a police investigation and a cycle of violence that draws in the punk's older brother, Billy Darley (Garrett Hedlund), the gang's leader; his interracially mixed crew; and his father, Bones (John Goodman). [...]

di Matt Zoller Seitz, articolo completo (1442 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times

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