Città amara - Fat City

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Un film di John Huston. Con Jeff Bridges, Stacy Keach, Susan Tyrrell Titolo originale Fat City. Drammatico, durata 100 min. - USA 1972.

A Fight Film Makes a Two-Week Comeback

di Mike Hale The New York Times

John Huston’s “Fat City” has many of the markers of the classic boxing film: the aging fighter who could have been champ; his young, unspoiled counterpart; their gnarled and nostalgic trainer; the women who distract them; and the menacing outsider — in this case a Mexican former champion — who must be faced.
Yet it manages to avoid most of the genre’s clichés. No one is offered money to throw a fight. Tully, the over-the-hill boxer attempting a comeback, and Ernie, the talented youngster, aren’t rivals; they’re friends from the start, doing what they can to help each other survive in the rougher precincts of Stockton, Calif. [...]

di Mike Hale, articolo completo (2710 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 18 settembre 2009

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Mike Hale
Premio Oscar (1)

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