Mister Lonely

Un film di Harmony Korine. Con Samantha Morton, Diego Luna, Werner Herzog Commedia, - Gran Bretagna, Francia 2007.

Carina Chocano

The Los Angeles Times

You could call Harmony Korine’s "Mr. Lonely" a comeback, but that would imply the return was anticipated, or that it heralds a return to form. I'm not sure either description applies. "Mr. Lonely" is just as unconventional, by Hollywood standards, as his earlier films, if markedly less pugnacious. In his latest picture, Korine, who is best known for his screenplay "Kids" (written in a matter of weeks at the tender age of 22) and the experimental provocations of "Gummo" and "Julien Donkey-Boy," seems to be working through some of the things he went through as wunderkind turned washout, taking on the desire to be somebody else and faith in the impossible as themes and manifesting them in his singular, surreal style. [...]

di Carina Chocano, articolo completo (3471 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 maggio 2008

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