
Un film di Oxide Pang Chun. Con Angelica Lee, Ekin Cheng, Lawrence Chou, Siu-Ming Lau, Choi Wah 'Rain' Lee Titolo originale Gwai wik. Horror, durata 108 min. - Tailandia, Hong Kong 2006.

Don't 'Re-Cycle' this storytelling

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

Yes, there is a story to "Re-Cycle," as a novelist (Lee Sinje) finds herself trapped in an alternate reality made up of people, places and things that have been discarded or forgotten. No, it doesn't matter much, as the film is really about sifting through the by now all too familiar tropes of the recent wave of Asian horror films -- stringy black hair, water, an overall green tint, creepy kids, weird sounds on the phone, all that -- with the added gloss of relentless CGI imagery. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (1015 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 15 agosto 2008

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