65 Revisited


Back to ‘Don’t Look Back,’ This Time With Dylan’s Songs in the Spotlight

di Manohla Dargis The New York Times

The great relief of D. A. Pennebaker’s “65 Revisited” — which pulls together never-released footage shot for his documentary “Don’t Look Back” — is that this time you can hear the songs in their entirety. Because Mr. Pennebaker wanted “Don’t Look Back” to be about Bob Dylan, not his 1965 British concert tour, he made the somewhat maddening decision to cut down the songs in that first film to tantalizing bits and pieces. The problem of course being that the songs were as much a part of this youthquaking sensation as his pipe-cleaner-skinny legs, his fuzzy ’fro, bobbing head, sly smile, riffs, rants, puns and playful, otherworldly genius. [...]

di Manohla Dargis, articolo completo (3014 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 25 Novembre 2007

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