I miserabili

Un film di Raymond Bernard. Con Charles Vanel, Florelle, Harry Baur Titolo originale Les misérables. Drammatico, b/n durata 305 min. - Francia 1933.

Dave Kehr

The New York Times

The fourth volume from Eclipse — the new, no-frills offshoot of the Criterion Collection — is devoted to two films by the French director Raymond Bernard: his 1932 antiwar epic, “Wooden Crosses,” and his 1934 adaptation of Victor Hugo’s “Misérables,” presented in three feature-length episodes. Mr. Bernard, who did his best work before World War II (and then spent the war in hiding from the Nazis), is little remembered today, even in France. But on the evidence of these two very powerful, very personal films, he’s a vital figure much worth reclaiming. [...]

di Dave Kehr, articolo completo (4800 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 17 Luglio 2007

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