Management - Un amore in fuga


When Love Registers at a Motel, Send Wine

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

If hell is a place of soul-crushing boredom, the Kingman Motor Inn, the Arizona hostelry in which Stephen Belber’s off-kilter romantic comedy “Management” sputters to a start, is a gateway to damnation. This anonymous, sunbaked depot is where 38-year-old Mike Cranshaw (Steve Zahn) works as the night manager, repairing backed-up toilets and discharging other odd jobs under the watchful eyes of his parents, Jerry (Fred Ward) and Trish (Margo Martindale), who own the place.
Mike’s dead-end existence is unsettled by a sudden glimpse of heaven when an attractive guest, Sue Claussen (Jennifer Aniston), who sells the kind of sterile corporate art found on motel walls, checks in for a short stay. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (4006 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 15 maggio 2009

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Betsy Sharkey
Stephen Holden
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Peter Travers
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