Berlin Alexanderplatz

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Dave Kehr

The New York Times

When the Museum of Modern Art showed Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s 1980 “Berlin Alexanderplatz” in a restored version in April, the New York Times film critic A. O. Scott expressed disappointment that “a few sets and locations had to stand in for the sprawl and bustle of the vanished prewar capital.”
That epic television production by Fassbinder, in 13 parts with an epilogue, has now been released on DVD by the Criterion Collection. But where Fassbinder’s version still has to get by on a studio simulacrum of Weimar Berlin, the vanished city is very much present in the first film adaptation of Alfred Döblin’s 1929 novel. [...]

di Dave Kehr, articolo completo (3436 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 13 novembre 2007

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A. O. Scott
Dave Kehr
Festival di Venezia (1)

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